Saturday, January 16, 2010

How does negative feedback effect glucose control?

need answer asap for coursework now!!!How does negative feedback effect glucose control?
negative feedback is a response by the body's homeostatic mechanisms in the opposite direction of the stimuli.

i.e. glucose levels decrease, therefore body tries to increase it.

if blood glucose levels increase, then insulin is produced in the Beta cells of the Islets of Langerhaans in the pancreas. This hormone is then transported to the liver, where it instructs the liver stop converting glycogen into glucose for ATP synthesis. Thus, negative feedback hs occurred, as the stimulus was INCREASES blood glucose, and the body responded by DECREASE blood glucose levels

=]How does negative feedback effect glucose control?
Blood glucose rises and the beta cells of the islets of langerhans in the pancreas secrete insulin. Insulin binds to protein receptors on the hepatocytes (Liver cells) making them permeable to glucose as well as setting in motion the anabolic pathway to convert glucose to glycogen.

Blood glucose falls and the alpha cells in the islets of langerhans secrete glucagon, converting the glycogen to glucose.

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