Saturday, January 16, 2010

Why does natural selection favour negative feedback control over positive feedback control?

negative feedback is the ability to maintain homeostasis and to be ability to regulate one's body/organism when impede by environmental conflict......the more able and organism can do that...the more fit they are and can contribute to the gene pool or reproduce and therefore natural selectedWhy does natural selection favour negative feedback control over positive feedback control?
Good question.

I would say that in general, positive feedback leads to unstability (going in a certain direction just perpetuates itself) while negative feedback leads to stability.

Since living things need certain conditions to survive etc, the ones with feedback mechanisms that help maintain such conditions for long periods are a benefit. Thus, these individuals will survive better (i.e. natural selection ';favors'; them';). Think about hunger for example - if eating would make you more hungry again and again (positive feedback) - you would waste time searching for nutrients you don't need anymore. Your existing negative feedback, on the other hand, does a great job in getting you what you need.

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